What are UK Consumer Behaviours Towards Sustainable Products?
Published date: November 2024

How Sustainably Do People in the UK Live?
According to a July 2024 YouGov survey of more than 2,000 UK adults, consumers in 2024 have been more reluctant than in 2023 to lead more sustainable lifestyles based on their consumption behaviour.
In the survey, people were asked about the regular actions they have taken over the past year to lead a more sustainable lifestyle.
- 73% Recycled
- 68% Reduced food waste
- 61% Limited the use of single plastics
- 58% Reduced the number of new products purchased
- 56% Fixed or repaired a product instead of replacing it
- 56% Purchased seasonal produce
- 51% Purchased local produce/goods
- 29% Were not deterred by a higher price for a sustainably made product
Based on the 2024 YouGov survey results, these are the stand-out themes:
- Sustainability is about being savvy when it comes to making purchases. People are buying more second-hand or repairing products in 2024, in line with the rise of the refurbished market.
- The rate of people adopting sustainable lifestyle practices has slowed in 2024, underpinning the societal challenges of reaching NetZero and limiting our environmental footprints.
- 61% of people in the UK feel that price is a barrier to purchasing sustainable or sustainably made products.
- There are clear signals from consumers that there isn't enough systemic support to live sustainably by regulators and the UK Government. People need the market to change so such products are more affordable, easier to access and inspire greater confidence in purchasing and owning them.
What Do UK Consumers Value Most?
The YouGov survey also asked people to tier their values for sustainable products, which was also asked in 2023. Here are the 2024 values:
- Sustainable packaging and products
- Reducing manufacturing waste
- Committing to ethical working practices
- Respect for human rights
- Reducing carbon footprint (up from 6th in 2023)
In 2024, more emphasis is now being placed on reducing carbon emissions than in 2023, though the top 4 values remain unchanged in 2024.
What Do UK Consumers Need to Increase Sustainability?
People need greater affordability and an injection of optimism that the products they buy have a genuine impact on the UK's environmental and carbon footprint.
Collectively, businesses, regulators and the Government need to support consumers with greater information as 50% of people in the UK feel they lack the knowledge to consume sustainably and the benefits of doing so. The cost-of-living crisis has likely had a significant impact on the slight downturn in sustainable consumption practices in 2023 and then again in 2024, but there is still more that can be done. Through consumption behaviour, we can all help:
- Lower the UK's carbon footprint to hit NetZero targets.
- Limit the environmental impact of our lifestyles for a healthier planet.
- Reduce material waste for cleaner streets, seas, rivers and green spaces.
How Can Fairphone Help People Live Sustainably?
Fairphone is the world's most sustainable electronics manufacturer with smartphones, headphones and earbuds.
They're made with up to 70% fair materials (recycled, Fairtrade and responsibly sourced) and are assembled in fair factories that are renewable-powered and have one of the highest worker health and safety standards in the tech industry. In fact, their supply chain is completely open, so you can see where their materials come from, who is gathering them and how they are manufactured to create the devices.
Fairphone only uses small-scale artisanal mines with workers they have skilled and provide essential health and safety for, and of course, there is strictly no child labour. In the factories, workers are paid a living wage and a living wage bonus so that they can sufficiently support themselves and those at home.
With Fairphone you will also have
- Industry-leading repairability, thanks to modular designs.
- A positive force for workers' rights.
- The only electronics with Fairtrade Gold.
- Industry-leading warranty of 5 years.
- Powerful performance and cameras that get better with age.
- Great value that proves sustainability doesn't always come with a premium price.
- Lower your carbon footprint in more ways than one
With sustainably made products like Fairphone, we can help lower the UK’s carbon footprint and meet the demands of consumers for performance and sustainability.
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