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Phone Service FAQs and help

How much does a call cost?

Our UK call costs vary across our different products. To find out more on our UK & International calls and all other call information, please visit here.

What call packages can I get?

Inclusive evening and weekend - Only for £8 per month. Calls to 01, 02, 03, and UK mobile numbers from 18:00 to 08:00 Monday to Friday, and all day Saturday and Sunday. Calls to Phone Co-op mobile numbers are included at all times.

Inclusive anytime - Only for £10 per month. Calls to 01, 02, 03, and UK mobile numbers all day, every day.

Basic Tariff - no inclusive calls - No inclusive calls. Local and National calls - 14p per minute. Calls to Mobiles - 14p per minute. Connection fee - 18p. Access charge of 11p for 084, 087, 118 and 09 numbers. Calls are rounded up to the nearest minute. Click here to see more about prices.

Call plans for mobile - Enjoy the flexibility of mobile calls from your landline with our Mobile call plan; only £8 per month for 500 UK Mobile minutes.

Don't forget that by choosing one of our packages, you are opting for climate-positive broadband that reduces 10kg of CO2e a month, helping you on your way to a lower-carbon lifestyle. UK Call Tariffs Explained or visit here.

Regarding International plans, call packages can include landline calls to 26 countries for just £3 a month. You will need to have either our Anytime or Evenings and weekends calling package along side the international call package. You can find more about International prices here.

To switch to climate-positive broadband, please visit here and remember to include your call package when checking out with your broadband.

What calling features do you offer?

We offer a full range of calling features including:
  • 1571
  • call waiting
  • call diversion
  • ring back

 Pricing for these services can be found on page 11 and 12 of our price guide.

To request any of these features or talk to a colleague about others, please either email our customer services team or call us on 01608 434 000.  

What is a withheld number?

A withheld number is a number that has been blocked by the caller so that it won’t be visible or available to the person being called. By dialling 141 before the phone number, the feature will allow the caller to withhold their number from being released to the person they are calling.

Therefore, the 1471 feature will not be able to tell you the last caller's number, as this information is now unavailable. Though a recorded message will be delivered to inform you that the last caller withheld their phone number.

Does a withheld number mean there could be malicious intent?

It is important to know that only a very small minority of callers have malicious intent, including when withholding their phone numbers. However, you should always be vigilant when talking to strangers over the phone.

There are many reasons for a caller to withhold their phone number. For example, not all telephone lines can accept incoming calls. A majority of ex-directory customers withhold their number to maintain their privacy, or the caller may simply not wish to receive a return call (e.g. for a Samaritans volunteer working from home).

How do I change my calling features?

To change your calling features you can either email the customer services team or call us on 01608 434 000.

How do I change my call package?

To change your call package you can either email the customer services team or call us on 01608 434 000.

How do I change my directory entry?

To change or request removal from the directory entry, please email our customer services team or call us on 01608 434 000.  

Are there any setup fees?

No, our main service is a 24-month contract which has no set-up fees. If you would like to reduce the contract to 12 months, we do offer this with a one-off £30 set-up fee which would be paid for during your order journey.

How long does it take to transfer my service?

A standard transfer will normally take 2 weeks to complete. This can be longer if any engineering work is required.

How much does it cost to have a new line installed?

We do not charge an installation fee for new lines.

What to do when moving?

When you are moving home, we need at least two weeks' notice to move all of your services smoothly. Please complete the change of address form here and we'll check the new address and arrange new services for you. We will also arrange for your old services to be ceased.

How do I know I can have the same contract at my new home?

By visiting Your Co-op broadband, you can enter your new address and see what we can offer you in that location. The chances are that we should be able to continue your current contract with no fuss.

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