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Joining Information

What network do you use?

We use the EE network to provide our residential service.

What signal can I expect to receive?

We advise you to use the Ofcom mobile checker to find out the indoor/outdoor voice and data services in your area. 5G is available on compatible handsets.

Can I keep my number if I switch to you?

Yes. You will need to get a PAC (Porting Authorisation Code) from your current supplier and pass this on to us during your online order journey.

To request it from your current supplier you can simply text the word ‘PAC’ to 65075 from the number you want to keep.

Moving to a new provider without keeping your current mobile number?

If you want to change your mobile provider and automatically cancel your current service but not keep your mobile number, you can request a Service Termination Authorisation Code (STAC).

You can get a STAC free of charge by sending a text message with the word ‘STAC’, to 75075.

What do PACs & STACs look like?

PACs are 3 letters and 6 numbers long. They look like this:


STACs are 6 numbers and 3 letters long. They look like this:


How long are PACs and STACs valid for?

They're valid for 30 days. If you've requested a PAC or STAC from your old provider and it's expired, you'll need to ask your mobile provider for a new one.

If I don't use the PAC or STAC I've requested what happens?

Your current service will stay the same and you'll be billed as normal by your current supplier. If you haven’t requested a STAC and are just getting a new number then our advice is to contact your old provider and request that they end your old service to avoid being charged for it.

Joining Information help form

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