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Are you a Residential Customer?

Sales Team

Monday to Friday
09:00 - 17:00
01608 434 000 opt 1

Customer Service Team

Monday to Friday
09:00 - 17:00
01608 434 000 opt 2

Technical Support Team

Monday to Sunday
24/7 - 365 days a year
01608 434 000 opt 3

Are you a Business Customer?

Business Service Team

Monday to Friday
09:00 - 17:00
01608 434 070 opt 1

Business Sales Team

Monday to Friday
09:00 - 17:00
01608 434 070 opt 2

Business Technical Support Team

Monday to Friday
09:00 - 17:00
01608 434 070 opt 3

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    Addressing the needs of vulnerable customers is core to our social purpose. We have prepared a Vulnerability Policy that outlines our commitment to our customers and what measures are in place to protect the needs of our vulnerable customers.

    You can view our Vulnerability Policy here.

    Customers may be vulnerable due to circumstances such as age, physical or learning disability, physical or mental illness, low literacy, communications difficulties or changes in circumstances such as bereavement. If you believe you are a vulnerable customer or have a disability and think it will affect the service we provide you, please let us know.

    If you inform us of your circumstances we will ask if you are happy for us to make a note of this on your account and do our best to meet your specific needs. If you would like further details on the information we will hold, please see our Privacy Policy.
    Your Co-op currently holds and adheres to policies and procedures to ensure that your data is stored, processed and destroyed in the most secure manner.  If you require any further information about GDPR and how we process your data, please view our Privacy Policies or contact The Data Controller at


    Your Co-op, 5 The Millhouse, Elmsfield Business Centre, Worcester Road Chipping Norton, Oxon, OX7 5XL 

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