International Women's Day - Q+A with Lizzie Hieron
Published date: March 2021

Meet Lizzie Hieron – Chief operating officer for Midcounties Co-operative. Lizzie is a wife and a working mum to two children (8 and 10). She joined the Society back in July 2020 and is passionate about fair, transparent and socially responsible products and services. She believes in the core values and principles that underpin a Co-operative Society.
What does International Women's Day mean to you?
It's an opportunity to recognise all the amazing women in the world and also a chance to support and encourage one another to reach our potential.
Who are your fearless inspirational women?
Sheryl Sandburg Facebook COO – I love her books Lean-in and Option B. Maya Angelou would be my second – As I love her quote… "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
What do you #ChooseToChallenge?
I choose to challenge role bias – we should be able to do any role we want to (and are qualified to) excel at! #loosestereotypes
Do you have any words of wisdom for the next generation of women?
- Be authentic – ‘you’ are what makes you unique and embrace that!
- Be brave – don’t let your fears hold you back
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