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How to Reduce Screen Time

Published date: May 2021


With phone usage up by about 30% from pre-pandemic levels, increased screen time has become the norm for many of us. Our constant interaction spent in front of our phones, laptops, and tablets is a daily reminder that we live in the age of the screen.

The acceleration of technology certainly plays a role in all of this. Still, it’s important to remember how the power of visuality is key when looking at the uprise of screen time. By using apps, live-stream capabilities, and digital services, screens offer us the opportunity to express ourselves and connect with others in a way that has never been experienced before. Today’s users navigate their way through their life, using screens for entertainment, communication, work, education, media, banking, or e-commerce.

We cannot escape the power of the screen, but we can continue to leverage the wonder of visuality, by choosing the products and devices that focus on providing a solution for our current lifestyles yet help to minimising the harmful effects of screens and instead.

Are your devices negatively impacting your health?

Here are some common 9 traits that may suggest your screen time has increased in an unhealthy way.

  • Are you experiencing decreased concentration/focus/motivation?
  • Have you noticed vision changes and headaches? This could also affect concentration and focus and is sometimes referred to as computer vision syndrome.
  • Are you having problems sleeping? If you spend a lot of time in front of your screen before you go to bed you could find that the brightness of the screen impacts your value of sleep.

Time For A Digital Detox?

Do you agree with any of the above? If yes, don’t worry, you are not alone. That’s why 7 in 10 people have tried to moderate their digital consumption somehow, with 37% deleting an app and 27% turning off notifications.

Here are some simple ways to start an effective digital diet that won't leave you hungry for a screen. 

  • Set a screen time maximum per day (4-6 hours max where possible with work schedule)
  • Take media breaks for 1-2 days a week outside of work-related hours to reconnect with human contact and relationships.
  • Turn down the brightness of screens or stop screen use to improve readiness to sleep 1-2 hours before bedtime.
  • Use blue light protective glasses while using screens.
  • Remove notifications
  • Always ask ‘why?’ when you’re about to pick up your phone.
  • Use dark mode to limit blue light.
Are you looking for more ways to find a balance between screen time and real work? Why not check out Fairphone's blog that highlights ways in which you can prioritise your wellbeing while staying connected. 


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