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4 ways to avoid junk emails

Published date: January 2020


It’s hard to acknowledge that the first email ever sent happened almost 50 years ago. Seven years later, the first known ‘spam’ email was sent to several hundred users, by a man who worked for Digital Computer Corp. The email sent was an open invite to the company that were showcasing their new VAX computer. Recipients were not so happy with the random invite! Luckily he stopped, but since then, there’s been a long and ongoing battle against spammers, but there is a lot we can do to prevent it.

According to Statista, spam messages accounted for 55% of e-mail traffic last year. Despite its ubiquity, the global e-mail spam rate has been decreasing, down from 69% in 2012. Spammers work on behalf of online merchants and send out millions of messages trying to reach as many people as possible to click on a link in the email.

Your email software almost certainly filters spam, moving unwanted messages to a separate folder. But it’s not perfect and sometimes we receive these emails in our inbox. And there are times when our legitimate messages, end up in the spam folder.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to eliminate spam entirely but you can read our tips to help you improve your security and privacy online.

Don’t open junk email

By opening or answering to phishing email, you are confirming that your address is real. The best reaction: ignore and delete.

Use, at least, two different email addresses

Have a private email address that you use for reliable contacts and a second address to register in public forums, subscribe to newsletters, etc.
Your private email address should be hard to guess, because spammers will easily attack the easy to remember ones with the most common words.

Tricks to mislead email search engines

Spammers use search engines to locate emails published on websites, lists, social media forums, etc. Publishing your email address on your website is a sure-fire way of attracting unwanted emails. If you need to publish your email address online, use a secondary email address that has been set up to receive this un-wanted spam.

Another way to publish your email is replacing the @ symbol with the word “at”. An example:; or replacing the @ for an image with the same symbol.

Enable Antivirus from the control panel

From the settings panel on your device, you can enable antivirus and the filters will then move all suspicious email to the junk folder. With BullGuard Internet Security you will increase the accuracy of detecting spam e-mails and identifying legitimate e-mails with the SpamFilter. This includes phishing attempts, viruses spreading and foreign language spam. You can also customize filters to block email you don’t want to receive. 

BullGuard Internet Security has protection for virus and other malicious software and has additional features such as firewall, safe browsing, parental control, identify theft protection and more.

As a new customer of Your Co-op Mobile, you will receive the award-winning BullGuard Internet Security free for 12 months, giving you protection for 3 devices across Windows, Mac and Android all with a single licence. Call us at 01608 434 000 to receive your free BullGuard licence.


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