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Your Bill FAQs

When do I get my bill and can I change the date?

You will receive your bill/bill notification the second week of the month. We run our billing at one point during the month to keep our costs and environmental impact as low as possible, so we are unable to give you the option to change your bill date.

How do I view my bill?

You can view your bill by login into your online account here, once you’re logged in click on ‘View Bills and Calls’.

Where can I see previous bill details?

You can see previous bills on your online account in the ‘View Calls and Bills’ section.

Where can I see a breakdown of my bill?

Once you’re logged into your ‘View Calls and Bills’ section you can either download a PDF copy of your bill which shows you the breakdown or you can click on the section ‘Billing’ and then select ‘Charge Summary’, this will show you the breakdown of your charges.

What is a pro-rata bill charge?

A pro rata bill charge is a partial charge from when a service started to the end of the month, so it won’t be a full month’s worth of charge. If we have already completed a billing run the month your service starts, the pro rata amount will be from the start date of the service to the end of the following month.

How much am I paying for my services?

You can view how much you’re paying for your services in your online account under the ‘Charge Summary’ section.

I’ve checked my bill and I think there’s a problem?

Please let us know by completing the form below letting us know what the issue is. The form will be directed to the appropriate team.

Your Bill help form

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