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General Billing FAQs

Why do we undertake credit checks?

We undertake credit checks to safeguard our member’s investment in our Society. When we sell equipment and/or services, our Society is exposed to the risk that a customer (new or existing) may not pay fully for the equipment provided and/or the services used, which may lead to a loss to the Society for the particular customer.

By undertaking credit checks we aim to ensure that new customers are creditworthy, and that they are who they claim to be. We may also perform credit checks on existing customers when they want to upgrade their equipment and/or services.

How do we undertake the credit checks?

We use a third party to provide this service, which includes name and address checks from the electoral roll and other information.

What happens if a credit check is failed?

If a credit check is failed, we may not open a credit account for you. However, we may ask for a deposit instead, which may lead to a credit account being created.


If a credit check is failed, or the value of the order/service is deemed high, we may ask for a deposit before equipment and/or services are provided. Usually, we’ll refund the deposit when we have received a minimum of three full monthly payments.

Struggling to pay?

If you are struggling to pay please visit here

General Billing help form

Please enter a First NamePlease enter a valid First Name, the maximum length is 50 characters.
Please enter a Last NamePlease enter a valid Last Name, the maximum length is 50 characters.
Please Enter a Valid Email AddressPlease Enter a Valid Email Address
Please enter a Contact NumberPlease select a valid Contact Number, the maximum length is 30 charactersPlease enter a valid Contact Number consisting only of the following characters and spaces ( ) + 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Please enter a PostcodePlease enter a valid PostcodePlease select a valid Postcode, the maximum length is 25 charactersPlease select a valid Postcode, postcode must contain a space
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