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Struggling to pay?

As a socially responsible organisation we understand that during this cost of living crisis, customers and members need to look closely at the amount they are paying for services like broadband.

Some broadband providers are able to provide social tariffs to their customers who receive Universal Credit or other benefits. Generally these providers own the entire connection and set their own prices, whereas Your Co-op Broadband purchases its services from wholesale suppliers, limiting our ability to provide a comparable social tariff rate.

However, we are continually reviewing how best to support our customers and members, including how we could offer a social tariff.

We are happy to provide an account review to any customer to ensure they are on the best value service for their circumstances. Just call our customer service team on 01608 434000 or email yourcoophello@midcounties.coopWe also suggest customers explore the benefits of becoming a member to ensure they are not missing out on any of the benefits they are entitled to. 

We would strongly suggest any customer or member who is looking at their budgets to visit debt charity websites such as StepChange Debt Charity - Free Expert Debt AdviceDebt advice | Free debt advice | National Debtline | National Debtline as these provide free and confidential debt advice.

We understand that paying your bill on time might be difficult at times for some customers. If you find yourself in this situation, please do contact us immediately so that we can discuss your options.

Our Credit Control team can be contacted on 01608 434050 or