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TTB Migration FAQs

Why are you moving my services?

You might have heard that there are some big changes coming to the way telephone services work in the UK: The Big Switch Off” is an ongoing upgrade to the country’s infrastructure completing in 2027, which involves all existing telephone lines being withdrawn from service and replaced with internet-based connections.
Customers will lose their lines if they don’t move to either one of the new services, or onto an alternative service that is unaffected by the switch off.

Can I move to full fibre now?

We will need to migrate you across to the new supplier but once this has been completed, if available, we can move you to one of our full fibre packages.

Can I say ‘no’ to the proposed transfer?

We must move your services in order to prevent the line being lost and to get us and you ready for when Openreach withdraw all copper lines.

Will I have any downtime when you move my line?

On the day your service is migrated you may experience some downtime while the engineer completes the work at your local exchange to connect your line to the new supplier, this should be minimal as the work is usually completed with 2/3 hours.

Will the price I pay change?

No, there will be no change to the price you pay.

Will I lose my phone number?

No, your telephone number will remain the same as it is currently.

Will I lose any calling features I have on my line?

Just be aware that some of your settings will reset on the day of the move, so when that happens - depending on what calling features you subscribe to - you may need to recreate any call diverts you have, as well as any reminder calls or choose to refuse preferences, and re-record any greeting messages on the 1571 service.
Make sure you listen to any saved or outstanding voicemails before the move, because they will be deleted once your line is on the new network.  You may need to record these using a smartphone app or via a tape recorder.

If you need a reminder of how our most popular calling features work, please visit our help page here.

If I am in a contract can I leave without penalty if I don’t wish for my line service to be moved to another supplier?

No, this change doesn’t impact your terms and conditions therefore if you are in a contract and decide to leave us, we hope you don’t, then you would be charged and early termination fee.

My router isn’t working, what do I do?

If we have sent you a new router and its not working you can contact the technical support team on 01608 434 000, option3, who will be happy to help get you connected.

Will I need a new router?

As part of the transfer to the other supplier we are planning on sending customers a new preconfigured router to minimise any disruption to your service.

Can I just plug the new router in and it will work?

Yes, the new router will come preconfigured so you should just be able to connect it up and it will work.

I have a router so can I keep this?

If you wish to keep the router you have then you can do so, we will be notifying customers when we write to them with specific details of the transfer advising what you can do with the current router you have and ways you can recycle or return it.

If you are sending me a new router can I return the current router I have back to you to recycle or re-use?

If you wish to keep the router you have then you can do so, we will be notifying customers when we write to them with specific details of the transfer advising what you can do with the current router you have and ways you can recycle or return it.

Yes, we will be providing further details on how you can recycle or re-use the current router you have. Details will be advised when we write to you with the specific details of your transfer.

Will there be any downtime on the day my service moves to the new supplier?

There may be a short period of downtime on the day the service is due to go live.
We aim to keep this to a minimum while the services are moved from one supplier to another. Typically, this is no longer than an hour or two however it's worth noting that sometimes this could take longer depending on the work the engineer needs to carry out. 

Will my router work as normal, or do I need to do anything on the day it moves across?

We are sending new preconfigured routers as part of the transfer so you will just need to connect the new router on the day the service transfers. Typically, you will notice your current broadband connection stops working and this is an indicator for you to connect the new router.
Your existing router will not work so we ask you to connect the new router once the service connects.  
If you have any issues, then you can contact our technical support team at or by calling 01608 434 000, Option 3.

What if I don’t want the new router you are sending to me?

If you would prefer to keep your existing router, then you would need to contact us once the service has moved to new the supplier so we can reconfigure the existing router for you.
You can then return the new router to us by completing this short form and we will get a returns bag dispatched to you.

If you haven’t yet received the new router, you can contact us, and we will simply cancel the new router order for you.

We wanted to make the transfer as easy as possible by sending preconfigured routers to customers.

What do I do with my current router if I am keeping the new router you have sent to me?

There are a few options for you:
  1. Keep the current router as a spare, this may be useful if you ever have a fault with your broadband as our technical team often ask customers to try an alternative router as part of fault diagnostics. 
  2.  You can recycle the router either through your local recycling collection service or via a local authority waste service centre.
  3. If you want to return it to us you can do so at your own cost by returning the router to:

Your Coop – Router Returns
Elmsfield Industrial Estate
5 The Millhouse
Worcester Road
Chipping Norton

Will the cost of my services change?

No. The price you pay will remain the same.

It states the new router will remain the property of Midcounties Co-operative Ltd, does this mean if it breaks you will replace it free of charge?

If you have a fault with your broadband and our technical support diagnose that it’s the router at fault, then we will replace this free of charge whilst in its warrant period.

Can I just plug the new router in, and it will work?

Yes, the new router will come preconfigured so you should just be able to connect it up once the migration has completed, and it will work.

My services have migrated however my broadband is not working?

If once the service has successfully migrated to the new supplier and you are having connection issues, please contact the technical support team at or by calling 01608 434 000, Option 3.

I have a 3rd party router that I wish to use is this possible?

Yes, you will need to reconfigure the router you are using however we can offer remote support if you are having any difficulties in doing so , but you can continue to use the router you have via a 3rd party.

Do I need to tell you about other 3rd party equipment?

If you have any analogue services that are connected to your line such as fax machines, these will continue to work as normal. If you have devices connected to your broadband/Fibre via a cabled connection, they should continue to work once your router is changed over or configured with the new details we have provided.

If you have anything that connects via WiFi you will need to reconnect them using the details on the new router.

Will my Static IP address change?

Yes, if you have devices which are linked to a static IP such as Mail servers you will need to update them with the new IP address that we will provide.
Also, if you access any websites, web portals or suppliers that are IP restricted you will need to ensure that this new IP address is added to their whitelists to continue to access those sites or services.

Watch our video to find out more about The Big Switch Off and what that means for you