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FAQ's for Out of Contract Notification and Annual Best Tariff Notification

What does 'Out of Contract' mean?

This notification is to confirm that you are no longer in a fixed term contract. It will advise you what you have been paying in your contract, and what you will continue to pay now you are out of contract. It will also advise that your service is now on a 30-day rolling contract and as such we require 30 days’ notice to close your account.

What does 'Annual Best Tariff Notification' mean?

This notification is to advise you that your service is currently not in a fixed term contract and what options are available. You can change your service and there will be no termination fees if you were to close your account. It also includes what the best price we currently have for your existing service. You will receive these notifications at least once a year whilst your service is not in a fixed term contract.

Does this have any affect on my service?

Your service will remain the same, however, this might be a good opportunity to see what upgrades are available to you. Follow this link to view our best tariffs. You might be able to recontract for a better price.

What about my calling package/features or add-ons?

Any calling packages, features or add-ons will continue as normal unless you have asked us to end these. They are not part of your contract and can be added and removed at any time.

Does this mean the price I pay will change?

You will continue to pay the out of contract price which is indicated on your notification. This will normally be the same as your cost during your contract unless you had a discount which ended with the contract.

What do I need to do?

If you are happy as you are, then nothing. We would recommend checking our website to see if we can offer you a better price for your services or see what upgrades are available. Alternatively, you can email us to perform a full account review to make sure you are on the perfect package for you.

Why am I receiving this 'Out of Contract' notification now when I have been out of contract for a while?

Since February 2020 Ofcom have introduced new requirements to make sure customers are informed when their contract has ended. We welcome this change as we have always done our best to be open and transparent with our customers about their services and contracts.

Why am I receiving this 'Annual Best Tariff' notification?

This service notification, like the 'Out of Contract Notification' is required by Ofcom. You will receive this annually to remind you that your service is no longer in a fixed term contract and what options are available to you.

What if I have Value Line Rental?

Your Value Line Rental might not always run concurrently with your contract. Even if you have received an Out of Contract notification we would recommend checking when your Value Line Rental ends as this is a non-refundable charge. You are still able to upgrade your service whilst your Value Line Rental is running.

What if I have already re-contracted or upgraded?

If you have already been in touch then don’t worry, you don’t need to contact us again.

Why is the best price more expensive then what I'm currently paying?

Depending on your existing package, the best price we offer might be more expensive than your current cost. We are required by Ofcom to advise you in this notification what the best price is for your existing service, regardless of if it’s cheaper or not. This best price is always the lowest price we currently offer for your existing service and is what we would offer new customers.

If you require any more information about Out of Contract notifications or your services, please call 01608 434 000 Monday to Friday 9AM-5PM or email us.