Why Switch from Legacy Tech to Digital Voice?
Many businesses have previously opted for ISDN Telephone System. ISDN is a system that has been in place for over three decades (launched in the late 1980s) and, whilst it may be viewed as reliable, it is now legacy technology. When reviewed against newer developments in VoIP, ISDN is now expensive, very inflexible and contains outdated features.
Therefore, many businesses are now adopting Digital Voice due to the setup and management being simple, easy to scale and very cost-effective. Essentially, the phone system becomes a piece of software rather than hardware.
Digital Voice is connected to the internet, a dedicated connection for voice services specifically for business. And a seat within the hosted voice platform. For incoming calls, the phone will connect to the IP network, and then through to the remote host. Here, the dialled number will get connected and sent through to the right department or individual.
Such systems are best accessed through dedicated handsets connected to the Internet that offers a range of enhanced features. These IP handsets or virtual phones are recommended and chosen before installation, at which point complete training can be arranged.