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Unlimited minutes and texts plus unlimited data on the O2 network. With 5G speeds and WiFi calls as standard, you'll get amazing service both indoors and out*

All whilst saving 10kg of CO2 per month, just by using your SIM only bundle.

* compatible handsets required

Unlimited Calls, Texts & Data - SIM only

£18.00 per month
inc vat £21.60 per month

Build your package

Your order
Unlimited Calls, Texts & Data - SIM only
No limit - your out of bundle charges will not be capped
£0 limit - you can't call or text any numbers not included in your bundle
£5 limit - out of bundle charges are capped at £5
£10 limit - out of bundle charges are capped at £10
12 Month Contract
Single payment
Monthly payment
* Delivery cost not included